OMG I have my first follower yayyyyy!
Almost done with my fast. Feeling a little faint at times, but nothing I can't handle. Drink lots of water, and I can trick myself into feeling full.
On Friday I kinda broke it, I had to have a cough drop. During chorus, I was helping out(We usually sing full chorus Monday, Altos (That's me) Tuesday, guys...Idk, Wednesday or Thursday, and Sopranos Friday. But sometimes our teacher asks a few people from other sections to join in with another section so they get used to working with the harmony.) and I had a soar throat. So I had an icky cough drop. But I'm not so mad at myself.
So, a comment brought to mind how I feel about girls who aren't afflicted by ED. Frankly, I don't care. I wouldn't wish this on anyone; it's miserable. I don't look down on people with normal eating habits. If you're happy with yourself, more power to ya,
What I do have issues with is people who complain about their weight (or anything else), but do nothing about it. That bothers me. If you don't value yourself enough to try to correct what's wrong with you (if you're bothered by the imperfection), then I have no pity. I can't stand that. Girls who kvetch about how fat they are, while eating nachos....that disgusts me. If you're bothered, get off your fat ass and work to be thin. Same goes for wanting to be fashionable, rich, good at school, or anything else. Nothing is free; work for what you want.
I also hate people who criticize other people's hard work. That's not ok. Just because YOU aren't bothered by your shitty grades or convex tummy doesn't mean the rest of us are. And studying or dieting doesn't make us nerds or whores....It just means we'll get into a better college and get involved with better people. And later in life, we, along with our sexy as shit spouses, will OWN your ass. Have fun looking down on us now; we'll sure enjoy it when we reap our rewards.
Peace, guys.
Yay! I got so excited when I saw you posted, lol! I might be a weirdo, it's true. But anyway.
ReplyDeleteI should have been a bit more clear with my comment lol. What you stated is essentially why I couldn't be around that friend anymore - because she harassed me for being thinner, was always bashing thin people and stuffing her face while complaining that it was just "too hard for her to lose weight". She had every excuse in the book and didn't mind hurting my feelings in the least, so I gave up trying to help or be supportive and moved on. She just saw no value in hard work and I saw that effect everything she did.
Also I completely adore that last paragraph, absolutely brilliant, I couldn't agree more! =)
Oh yeah, I totally get what you're saying now. Mostly my friends are supportive of me in all my endeavors(not that they know about my ED), so it's not really something I have to deal with. But there are random bitches who I observe this kinda thing from. But I don't ever get a lot of hate from my friends.
ReplyDeleteI try to post relatively often. My sleeping schedule makes it a little hard, though, I tend to spend what little spare time I have trying to sleep. Insomnia sucks, yanno?