Friday, November 19, 2010

I've been a bad, bad girl...

     I know. I know, I haven't posted in forever! Even after promising that I would. I wish I had an excuse, but I don't. I've been busy, but not so busy that I couldn't blog. I guess the only reason I haven't been blogging is...I've been...happy.
     I only really blog a lot when I'm miserable. But since K and I started dating, I've been on cloud nine. We're like, the cutest couple ever. We kinda make our friends want to puke, even though we try to keep PDA to a minimum. We draw the line at kissing, but cuddling and such is fine. I'm really happy, you guys. And that just means I have no motivation to blog. But I'm gonna try to keep up with it from now on, ok? I felt bad every time I'd look at my computer.

     On the ana front, not much has been happening. I eat regular meals every time K comes over to my apartment, though I can get away with only fluids when I'm over at his place. And let me just say, there have been times where I've gone a day with the only thing I've ingested being HIS fluids hehehe. I think he kind of suspects I have an ED\. He'll check up on me to make sure I've eaten something that day, and if I haven't, it doesn't take much to convince him I'm fine and not hungry. He just asked me like...5 min ago over text. I'll probably eventually tell him....but not yet.

     I hate to talk so incessantly about K, but there's once more thing I have to say. Whenever I would have sex with anyone, I'd always feel really...gross. I'd obsess over the rolls of my stomach as I bent down, or thinking of the best ways to angle myself so I looked thinnest. But with K....I don't feel like that. I just focus on what I'm supposed to focus on. (For the record, we haven't gone the whole way yet; he's still a virgin and not ready for that). And most stunning, when he calls me beautiful....I actually believe him.

     Today, I've been gooood. I've had 2 celery sticks, and a cup of unsweetened black tea. That's no calories, none. So proud of me.I haven't had any significant weight change in a while, about the same since last real post.

    So, yeah. I'm hoping to get back into blogging regularly, so expect to see more posts from me. Love you all!

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