Tuesday, September 28, 2010


     Past few days I've been sick as a dog. My bronchitis has been greatly aggravated by my outside community service I did over the weekend, and I've been bedridden. Coughing up (now bloody) phlegm, nasal drippage, headaches, fever, chills, SUPER pallor, clammyness, sweat, the works. I even hallucinated the other day.

     Currently my fever is laying low, so I figured I'd blog while I'm relatively lucid. Although my meds are making me a bit loopy. Standing up results in drunked walking and swaying, bumping into things, and falling. Plus I say some pretty crazy things sometimes.

     I've not been counting calories, and I don't feel like figuring it out atm. But all I've had is home-made, additive-free apple-sauce. Also tea with honey, lemon, and wine. Best thing EVER for sore throats. I've been having it since I was a little one.

     On the medication front, I've been having regular dosages of Zythromax, Robitussin, Zycam, Triaminic, Emer-Gen-C (stings so much omggg), Nite-Time (I think that's generic NyQuil), Valerian Root(it's a sleep aid I've started taking a few days ago. Forgot to mention it in the last blog), and tons of cough drops. Specifically, Hall's strawberry creams and citrus flavors and Luden's cherry.  So, yes. I've been well-medicated. And not very clear-headed.

     I'm gonna end now, as the meds I took about a half hour ago are starting to kick in, and I need sleeeeep.

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